Tag Archives: billionare

Day 508: The New Bourgeoise

The modern day bourgeoise is seemingly a man of the people. He or she, but mostly he, apparently uses his money for the common good – and he/she wants to portray him- or herself as anybody else out there. While the fact of the matter is that the bourgeoise is a billionaire and will never ever have to worry about money in his or her entire life. He or she will have everything needed at all times and will buy the most exclusive products, and visit the most exclusive locations, and meet and partner up with other famous bourgeoise. The stark difference between his/her life and ours, the 99 percent of humanity, is that we are constantly living with a lack of money – in a forced state of servitude – because we have to serve in order to gain our livelihood. We serve the bourgeoise, the rulers of the system, in the hope that we ourselves one day will be able to become a rules like them.

It is interesting thus that we accept modern day slavehood, because we have bought into and also support the rationale that money buys freedom and money buys us rights in this world. And most of us semi-bourgeoise, primarily citizens of first world countries, do not want to give up this pyramid scheme – because we happen to be somewhere in the middle. We understand that we have to live in servitude, yet however, we remain satisfied and grateful because we do still get to eat the scraps falling down from the table as the bourgeoise eat their meals. And we do hope, that some day, we will be able to attain a position at the dining table, and shine in the fame, status and reverence that is awarded to those with money.

Currently in this world, money matters and nothing else. Before the age of consumerism we regarded certain qualities of the human being as being in equal or higher worth in comparison to money. Qualities such as discipline, piousness, devotion and courage, where highly valued. In the age of consumerism what is of primary importance is your ability to consume goods and services, that is what marks your value. That is what makes a difference, and what will give you time/attention in the media. If you do not have money, you are a nobody. Hence it is highly desired to live a life of luxury, a life of the bourgeois, as we believe this is the ultimate price. However, this will all end. And that is the great mistake the human being makes.

We believe that our limited time here on earth and the amount of goods and services we are able to consume and the memories we are able to accumulate are what matters. Nothing of that matters, at death, what will be left to be measured is your character, and what you lived in thought, word and deed. Hence, it is fascinating and sad to see how mankind is striving with such fervor to fulfill their dreams of greed, while, if we would have let that go, and support all equally to live a great life, we would have been able to find that which is of real value.

What is the solution? We must stop our acceptance and allowance of the bourgeois within us, stop us accepting and allowing ourselves to trust and give ourselves to servitude in the hope of one day ourselves being able to fulfill our desires. We must dare to give up our hopes for riches and learn to give to those that are in less fortunate positions. We will never be able to truly make any substantial change and difference on earth unless we make sure that the basic needs of everyone are taken care of. All these philanthropists that donate a small percentage of their giant wealth are but distractions, that by the very action of donating, cements the belief that only certain humans have right to the resources on this planet. However that is not true. It is our birth right to have equal access to all that is here – the physical reality is for everyone – and it is a grievous crime to deny another of their right to a dignified life in the name of money. It is a crime and we have to stop it. Both within ourselves and in this external reality.

CEO Get’s Pension 2000 Times Bigger Than Avarage Monthly Salary

A CEO in one of the major government owned companies in Sweden have been given 8 million dollars in pension.

8 million dollars – that’s not a small sum of money. The sum is 2000 times larger than what the average monthly salary is for a Swedish citizen. If you have an average salary you must work 166 years before you are able to reach the same amount of money. Though – if you consider the apartment rent, the food, the bus fee, train fee, petroleum – you would probably have to wait for 2000 years before you are able to entitle yourself the same amount of money as this CEO got in one day.

Is it strange that we have poverty, starvation and class segregation when there is such an extreme amount of overpay to certain individuals in society. Such an amount of money as is given to this CEO is simply ludicrous. He won’t be able to use it all up in his own lifetime. It’s blatant greed.

What is greed? Greed is when you take more than what you need. This CEO takes more than what he needs, and in comparison to those who really need in the world, such as the people in the poverty stricken regions of earth, this CEO really is a monster miser. While some people daydream about a regular and consistent stream of food into their belly, this CEO has more money than he will be able to spend, and access to more food than he will ever need.

Why doesn’t anyone see the misery that an unequal distribution of money brings? Or, maybe we do see it. But we don’t do anything about it, we don’t become pissed of about it, because it’s suppose to be this way, and at least we still have a salary that can support us with food. But let me tell you something: people are not supposed to starve and people are not supposed to own more than what they need. What is supposed to happen is that each man get’s to have as much as he requires in order to experience a comfortable life. It’s obvious common sense that no man on earth should go without food only because another man apparently owns the food – even though he can’t eat it, or use it.

Inequality is the worst crime that can be committed. Greed is the worst crime the can be committed. I don’t blame this CEO for taking a pension a size that he will never come to spend in his lifetime. I blame myself for having accepted and allowed this system, which I am apart of, to give room to such blatant, disrespectful and disgusting greed. I have accepted and allowed this world to unfold as it has unfolded, as are everyone else. A CEO can’t retrieve a pension 2000 times the average monthly salary if we do not allow it.

When are we going to realize and see that a better world is possible? A world where we have banned all greed – banned all inequality – banned all obvious abuse of what earth unconditionally provides. Yes – what is here as the resources of this earth is not for man to claim, it’s for man to use in balance with his need. Not to stuff, and stuff, and stuff until he have managed to seize control over each and every spot of nourishing resource on this planet, and in the process killed several millions of people. This is NOT what is meant to happen, and meant to be! This world could be a paradise – if we share, and take only that, which we require. And support others to have that which they need. So all our needs are fulfilled, and greed can forever disappear.

Where there is greed – there is an unfulfilled need. It’s not necessary for it to be this way. Research equal money and find out how we are able to give everyone on this planet: man, plant, and animal. That which they need!